Cheating Signs

Since you’re here you have probably already noticed some cheating signs. Keep in mind the more signs you notice increases the likelihood that you may have a problem.
What Are The Signs Your Mate Might Be Cheating!
1 – When they no longer want sex or makes excuses for not having sex.
2 – When they will not allow you access to their computer or they suddenly shut down the computer when you walk into the room. They may password protect their laptop, computer or cell to keep out suspicious eyes. Or they stay up to “work” or “play a game” on the computer after you go to bed. Excessive internet usage, especially late at night, is a red flag.
3 – When they begin to put distance between you or show a lack of interest in what has been the routine with few, if any, excuses for the change in their behavior.
4 – When they suddenly have to work late or leave for work early. New obligations that take them away from home repeatedly or for long periods of time or they tell you they are working longer hours and not allowing you to view their paycheck or pay stubs.
5 – If your loved one suddenly discourages you from visiting them at work. This usually means they are hiding something such as a relationship with a co-worker or a regular customer.
6 – When they suddenly change their behavior concerning their cell phone. Such as keeping it in their pocket/purse or locked in their vehicle. Turning the volume down so texts don’t sound. Keeping cell face down so if they receive a text the screen won’t show. They may become defensive if you want to use it. The phone bill may disappear. They will password protect their phone.
7 – When they arrive home smelling faintly of perfume/cologne.
8 – When they arrive home and head straight into the shower or bath.
9 – When they have lipstick or strange hairs on their clothing or in the car. Finding strange phone numbers, receipts or condoms can also be clues.
10 – When they suddenly begin to treat you extremely nice; more so than usual.
11 – When they begin to make “kinky” requests or suggest wildly erotic play during sex including things you have never done before. They may also show an increased interest in sex or sexual things, including porn.
12 – When they talk to you they treat you abusively or with disdain, disrespect or excessive sarcasm. They may also demonstrate an unexplained aloofness, indifference in the relationship or . . .they may begin to find fault in everything you do in an attempt to justify their affair.
13 – Her: When she gets dressed up and dresses provocative to “go grocery shopping” or to “get her hair done.” She may also show up with a sudden change of hair style. Him: When he showers, shaves (cologne, deodorant, etc.) and dresses up more than usual to “go out with his buddies” or to “go fishing.”
14 – When they break their established routine at work and home for no apparent or logical reason.
15 – When they become suddenly forgetful and you have to tell him/her everything several times; their thoughts are obviously elsewhere.
16 – When they are always tired or demonstrate a noticeable lack of energy or interest in the relationship.
17 – When they begin to intentionally look at or flirt with the opposite sex when in the past, this is something they would not have done.
18 – When you notice that they are reluctant to kiss you or accept your affection.
19 – When they ignore or criticize your affections and thoughtful ways.
20 – When they start to go out with friends alone and more often. You, as a couple, stop going out and socializing.
21 – When the passenger seat in the car has been changed and is not in the usual position or the mileage on the car is more than usual.
22 – When they begin to keep a change of clothes hidden in the trunk of the car or an unusual amount of clothes changes at the gym.
23 – When you notice credit card charges and cash withdrawals or hiding the credit card bills.
24 – When they begin to make sudden and excessive purchases of clothes or an unexplained change in clothing style. Beginning to purchase sexy underwear or lingerie may be a clue.
25 – When you notice an increase in ATM withdrawals. Cheating costs money! To play you must pay!
26 – When you notice that your partner loses their ability and desire to show the children the attention they need or a lack of desire to do any fix-ups around the house, e.g., lawn care, painting, cleaning the garage, house repairs, etc. They might turn this around on you at the same time and accuse you of never doing anything or treating the child/children badly.
27 – When you notice an increased attention to losing weight or paying more attention to their appearance.
28 – When they begin to volunteer for errands and shopping when out of character.
29 – When your partner shows up without their wedding ring or suddenly stops wearing it and makes lame excuses as to why. This also goes for jewelry you might have purchased for them and you catch them not wearing it when they go out when usually they wear it at all times.
30 – When they get mysterious phone calls or when they hurry to answer the phone, leave the room to talk on the phone and when you ask who called, they say, “No one”, “Wrong number”, Spam, or “Why do you care?”
31 – Simple trips, such as to the grocery store or bank, take hours rather than the time it should take.
32 – Your loved one suddenly deletes all emails from the computer where as they used to accumulate. Same goes for calls on the cell phone or caller ID.
33 – Your spouse suddenly starts shaving private areas of the body.
34 – Your loved one seems to pick fights or finds reasons to fight only to stomp out of the house and away from you.
35 – They accuse you of having an affair without provocation. They start being suspicious of you and investigating what your doing.
Call Charles Savage (252)885-2003