Facebook and Marriage – How to Stop Facebook from Ruining Relationships

Avoid relationship ruin with these 8 social-network tactics
Source: Facebook and Marriage – How to Stop Facebook from Ruining Relationships
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As a private investigator you maybe wondering why I would post this type of article, the truth is infidelity investigations are heart breaking and harder than any other type of investigation. Too much emotion is involved, so I would rather help prevent a ruined relationship. This is a really good article about Facebook and Marriage. Facebook has put old friends, past loves and strangers directly in our day to day lives. Temptations face you everyday and for people whose marriage has lost “it” is really at risk at taking it to far. Instant messaging has made too easy to say things you wouldn’t normally say face to face. This article gives couples a few simple rules to keep it clean and leave the temptation of communicating inappropriately at the door.
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